ingenue magazine

ingenue is not like any other magazine in existence

It has the new perspective of spelling out the way being young and in show business really is, mixed in with a blend of fun, fashion, and information on what's hot in LA and New York.

distribution and circulation

Initially, ingenue will be distributed nationally through bookstore chains and will be sold locally at Los Angeles area newsstands. In its second year, ingenue will be carried by newsstands across the nation.

ingenue will start as a quarterly publication, increasing to monthly circulation in its second year.

the content

In addition to profiles of newly successful personalities, ingenue will feature helpful information on improving one's career.

Fashion layouts will display what is being worn around LA and NY by the Young Hollywood set.

future expansion

ingenue will offer various services through this web site, from job opportunities to apartment rentals, as well as discount travel and hotel deals in major industry cities.

© ingenue magazine. All rights reserved.